Je commence à comprendre, dit le petit prince. Il y a une fleur... je crois qu'elle m'a apprivoisé... C'est possible, dit le renard. On voit sur la Terre toutes sortes de choses...
Stalls at Ueno park (Tokyo). I really enjoy my Rollei, and I like the soft colors of the Reala film. The photo on the right was an accidental double exposure but I like it all the same. My own weird taste?
Another picture taken in Enoshima, definitely the "island of love" (how cheesy). After 5 years in Japan I still find interesting or funny things in every shrine that distinguishes it from the hundreds of neighboring shrines. In this one, if you are a couple in love you can buy a padlock, write your names on it with a variation of Always Together, and lock it to a fence nearby. The fence is now so packed with padlocks that people have started locking them onto other fences all over the (very small) island.
Tabourets pour s'asseoir pendant qu'on fait la queue devant le restaurant. Celui-ci n'est peut-être pas très populaire? Mais il se peut que ce n'était pas l'heure de pointe, je ne me rappelle plus très bien...
Very pink Ema (small wooden plaques on which Shinto worshippers write their prayers or wishes) at the Hetsunomiya Shrine in Enoshima, a small island South of Tokyo. A love shrine, obviously!
The streets of Narimasu on a Sunday at lunch time. Holga is fun and I really like the result, noooo mater what my husband says. I have a thing for imperfect looking photos, and it's final! :-)
Make a wish, but for real If your heart, I could heal I so would, I so would... Make a wish, and I will Mend your heart, and for real If I could, if I could...
Tonight: grilled chicken skewers - chilled silken tofu with toppings - sashimi of the day - assorted pickles - Broiled whole squid with ginger sauce -Shrimp tempura - Marinated sirloin steak wrapped around asparagus and broiled - rice and grilled salmon with green tea - draft beer - sake
The day you left Will never come back again And yet it does Day after day . That day I knew You would never come back again But I wish you would Day after day
A sale of decorated garden rakes at Oji shrine, a decoration and lucky charm for the new year. Every time a rake is sold, a melodic and upbeat thank you to the customer.